
Crewmojo supports a highly customisable objectives framework based on three main levels: personal, team and company.

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The Crewmojo objective framework provides a flexible mechanism for your company to set and measure objectives at a company, team and individual level.

Individual objectives can align and contribute to team or company objectives - and update their progress in real time.

Objectives and key results can have targets to achieve, and may be tied to a due date or goal cycle. These targets can be owned by an individual or team, as well as being split between 2 or more individuals or teams.

Note: Objectives are the most flexible feature in Crewmojo, by far. This flexibility makes them very complex, far too complex to cover every possible use case in this short guide. Please don't hesitate to get in contact if you've got any questions.


Objective: An objective is something an individual, a team, or the company is trying to achieve

Key Result: A key result is usually a measurable activity or an outcome that contributes towards an individual, a team, or company objective

Completion: When an objective or key result is measurable, the completion (as a percentage) indicates the progress of that item

Contributing: A key result can either contribute to the progress of an objective or not

Derived: If an objective does not have it's own direct measurement (this is the normal scenario), then the Crewmojo application will derive the objective's completion from the key results that are contributing. This calculation can be set in one of three configurable ways: Equal weighting, Sum of number (#) key results or Sum of financial ($) key results

Assign: When you assign an objective, you are assigning an owner to that objective

Assign and Split: This applies to an objective or key result with a number (#) or financial ($) measurement. You will be splitting a target across 2 or more teams or people - each having responsibility for their portion of the overall target

Align: When you align an objective, you can either contribute directly to the progress of the 'parent' objective, or not contribute - the latter is there for informational purposes only to see which objectives are similar within the company. There will be some circumstances that the 'child' objective cannot contribute to the 'parent' - the Crewmojo app will let you know when this is the case (you'll see 'cant contribute' label on the child objective)

Clone: Cloning allows you to make a copy of an objective and all its direct key results, and assign to one or more teams or people. All measurement values are reset during the cloning process

Archive: When you are no longer working on an objective, it's best to archive it. Archived objectives can be either partially or fully completed

Measurement: The metic used to measure the progress/completion of an objective or key result.

Target Date: The timeframe for the completion of an objective or key result. Typically this is set to a year, half year, quarter, or month, but it can also be from the creation date to a custom date. Note: The target date for a key result can be exclusive from its parent objective.

Tags: A company wide way to categorise objectives. Objective and key result tags can also be mutually exclusive.

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