Permissions Explanation

The Objective Framework in Crewmojo is designed to be flexible and agile in order to drive alignment. With multiple levels, relationships and hierarchies to be considered, Crewmojo offers multiple controls over objective visibility and permissions.

Use this page as a reference to understand the privacy settings that best describe your objective. You'll then be able to see who in the company is able to see this objective.

To see how to configure default permissions, head to this page:


Objective Permissions


As HR, you can edit any objective in Crewmojo.

You can only edit Company Objectives if you are either HR or in the COMPANY OBJECTIVES group configured in company settings. If company objectives are set to private, only HR and members of the COMPANY OBJECTIVES group can view them.


If you are not a part of the HR group, your objective permissions vary based on how each objective has been configured.

Your company will have set default privacy settings on objectives depending on your organisation's policies. Keep in mind, however, that privacy can be changed for objectives on an individual basis by anyone with permission to edit that objective. This may explain why your objective visibility might differ between individuals.

Key to this table:

Level - Goals can belong to an individual, a team, or the whole company. All three levels can be public or private, and the key results can be hidden for each.

Hidden KR - Hidden Key Results, when "Hide Key Results" is checked.

Company (As an Employee) - Visibility for those without HR or Company Objective permission

Team (As a Leader) - Objectives belonging to a team you are a leader of.

Team (As a Member) - Objectives belonging to a team you are a member of.

Team (Not Member) - Objectives belonging to a team you not are a member of.

Personal (Mine) - Personal objectives belonging to you.

Personal (My Direct Reports) - The personal objective of individuals for whom you are the direct manager.

Personal (My Indirect Reports) - The personal objective of individuals further below you in the reporting line.

Personal (No Reporting Relationship) - The personal objectives of everyone else in the company.

Level & ContextPublicPrivateHidden KR

Company As an Employee

Can view

Cannot View

Cannot View

Team: As a Leader

Can edit

Can edit

Can edit

Team: As a Member

Can edit

Can edit

Cannot view

Team: Not a Member

Can view

Cannot View

Cannot View

Personal: Mine

Can edit

Can edit

Can edit

Personal: My Direct Reports

Can edit

Can edit

Can edit

Personal: My Indirect Reports

Can edit

Can edit

Can edit

Personal: No Reporting Relationship

Can view

Cannot view

Cannot view

Last updated